Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Thai Signs

I was looking through my posts today, and noticed I've missed something very common and obvious, and Im a fool to have not have featured it earlier. It is of course Thai Road signs. Ever wondered what all that squiggly writing means. Well knows you're chance to swat up, so that when you're next wandering around Bangkok you can begin to read some Thai on the signs.

The most common ones you'll see:
Free = Pron. "Phree" (Its common in Thai to use English loan words and transliterate)  2nd. Image : 'Ham Tai  Loop'

Pron. 'Ham Supbari' = No Smoking

Pron. 'Hong Nam'

'Sukha' - Toilet. 'Ying' - Lady  

'Dtit Pom' - Cut Hair

'Yoot' - Stop

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